Sunday, June 28, 2015

Mommy!! I CAN'T SLEEP!

7:24pm - that is what time my computer says on the "clock display".  I'm sitting in my hotel in Johannesburg reflecting on our trip so far... and I'm reminded of a book I read my children when they were young. It was about a mother bunny who got NO sleep as her little bunnies would shout out "MOMMY, I CAN'T SLEEP!"

7:24pm - Central Standard Time.  That means it is 2:24am here in Africa, and "mommy, I can't sleep."  Went to bed at 9pm local, and I've been up since midnight.  I'm anxious, nervous and excited. This Malawi trip is always transformational, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for our team.

So, I've been using this time (that my body doesn't think is night-time...grrr) to pray for my family and friends, and to do homework for seminary!!

Why not update the blog as well??!!  Here's a short reflection on our travels so far.

What a great sendoff at the DSM airport.  Thank you so much to all of the people who came out to support and pray for us.  Our first flight to Atlanta was altogether uneventful.  Our team had a few moments to chat in the airport, and it was great to let loose a little bit and enjoy each other's company.  Once we got to Atlanta, we made our way from one side of the airport to the other and prepared for our flight.  I think the team got tired of me saying things like "can you believe this flight will last almost an ENTIRE DAY with the time change?"  I can't lie, the travel portion of this trip can be brutal, but our flight was great.  I was nervous about the 16+ hr flight, but it went even better than on my last trip to Malawi.  We had a few laughs on the plane, ate about an entire loaf of bread with our inflight meals, and a few of us got some sleep.  More to come about our Johannesburg Airport experience in a later post...


True, this isn't a blog post about the amazing work being done with God's help in Malawi. But every trip, every blessing, every mission trip has preparation.  Pastor Angie prepared our hearts to LISTEN for God's voice in our opening devotions together.  Kathy led us in our second devotion about how small trials can prepare us for righteousness.  Preparing is essential - and including God is necessary.

My encouragement for you today is to FIND some time to prepare.  Read a devotion, say a prayer for your neighbor, invite the holy spirit to guide you during your day.  Oh yeah, and if you can, get some sleep.

I promise my next blog post will be more exciting and less sleep deprived!!  MAY GOD BLESS YOU!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Feels like Home

The Rocky Mountains and ISU are places that feel like 'home' to me.  The Rockies because of all the memories as a child; camping, hiking, visiting cousins.  Wow, we had fun, and our first adventures outside our western Iowa farm.   Of course, ISU is where I grew up, fell in love and found a direction for my life.

Malawi is also feeling like home.  As a new retiree, I took the chance to go to Malawi.  I had downsized my family home to a Town home and ventured Ito central Iowa from the east.  I was trying to find new friend, home church, etc.  Some days I felt like a nobody.

In Malawi I 'grew up'!  (That is crazy for old lady to say) and found a direction for my new phase. I saw the hope and empowerment of people living in what we would call poverty.  They were eager to listen, learn and better their lives.  They would look beyond my outer exterior and learn about who I am.  And of course, they had that dynamic faith in God that I do so envy.  I saw the impact of the recent project and felt their energy in developing new skills and resources.

 I am returning for the third time and some wonder why.  I can only say, I need to.  It's beginning to feel like home.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blessings to All

The 2015 Partnership of Hope Mission trip to Malawi is near.

In 6 days the 2015 Partnership of Hope mission team will be leaving for Malawi. The 2015 team is vastly different than the past, as the team is made up of 5 team members, ranging in age from 16 to 75.  The smaller size, may create more opportunities to create closer relationships with our brothers and sisters in Malawi.

 Ankeny First United Methodist Church has provided funding for 3 bore holes in 2015. Also funds were provided to help with material cost on a new Mafikeni church. The Church will also be used as a nursery school and Women’s Empowerment Center. Mafikni is the location of the bore hole that our Brothers and Sisters from Lenox funded in 2014.

The team in schedule to visit the Bethany Circuit again. (2011 the last time we were there)

As usual, the Tailoring School will have their graduation ceremony on July 4th.  Two days will be spent on the farm.

It will be exciting to see what surprises God has in store for the 2015 team.

To see the miracles that have taken place with.

Providing Clean Water:

2015 will be the Ministry’s 13th borehole. (11 by AFUMC and 2 by Lenox UMC) That provides safe water to anywhere from 36,000 to 65,000 people who did not have access to safe water. It is hard to comprehend how many lives are being saved by just having safe water.

Tailoring School:   

The 2015 graduation class from the tailoring school will be 16 students. Since AFUMC involvement with the tailoring school, this will make about 69 students that have graduated. That is 69 women who now have a skill to provide for their families.

The Farm:

2010 the farm was a vision

2011   A borehole was put down.

2012   Farm house was built, and 1st crop was harvested

The Church structure was some poles with some thatch on the top for a roof was to praise the Lord

2013   A new church was in existence, (constructed from bricks made on site). The original borehole was converted to a solar pump, which allowed more acres of crops to be irrigated.

2014   2nd bore hole installed.  The farms assistance manager’s house was completed.

2015 will be very exciting to see how all of the above material actions have many people into the Kingdom of God.

God Bless

Len Pallas