Today we left Johannesberg at 11:40 a.m. for Malawi. As soon as we made it through Customs and I found our 15 suitcases, we were met by Chifundo, Noel, Copeland and Daniel and several others who came to help us get loaded onto the bus. They greeted us very exuberantly and excitedly and it was particularly fun to observe the joy and laughter from Pastor Angie and Len as they have both been to Malawi.
For our evening meal we travelled by bus to Bethel St John’s UMC. The “road “leading to the church was very very bumpy with deep ruts and many turns. As soon as we arrived we could hear people singing their hearts out to welcome us. We were greeted with great excitement and joy as we entered the church. The worship space was simply a sparse room with plastic lawn chairs, a concrete floor and the ceiling was covered with sheets of plywood. After introductions, we sang more praise songs all led by the congregation and listened to Pastor Kao preach via Noel who interpreted.
The potluck meal was brought forward to the altar while singing continued. Many pots all covered were brought forth by the women and placed on the altar with great ceremony and celebration. Len led us in blessing the food and we as the honored guests, were the first to fill our plates followed by the congregation. The covered dishes contained beef, rice, sima, peas, beans, cabbage salad, pumpkin leaves, chicken, fish and a few things we didn’t recognize. Scones and coffee and coco cola in bottles were served for dessert. It was all delicious. We were later told that the meal we had together was like a “Thanksgiving” meal we would have.
We mingled with the congregation as we ate and enjoyed our time together. Len then presented the gifts to the pastors and tribal chief. They were overjoyed with thankfulness. The gifts included Bibles, crosses, flashlights and soccer balls
After about 4 hours we headed back to the hotel. We were able to give a ride to 2 people from the congregation. Most of the people who attended had walked to the church some as far as 20 km (12 miles.) Even though it was dark the area looked extremely impoverished. There was very little light along the very bumpy road! We are all very thankful for Chifundo’s excellent driving skills!!!
As I reflected on the genuine love and generous welcome we had received, I was reminded of Paul’s words to the Philippians 1: 3- 6: I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
Bess Hibben

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